Orchid Flower Plant

Diposting oleh Blogs Jumat, 05 November 2010

D. canaliculatum (type)

Orchid D. larat                                Orchid D. albertisii

      Orchid D. lasiantera                                  Orchid D. stratiotes

    Orchid D. spectabille                                   Orchid D. lawesii 

 Bolb. cologen pandurata                         Orchid Bolb. bekarii 

Orchid P. venosa                        Orchid Yellow Moon

                                Orchid Moon                                          Purple-tongued orchid Month                                                         
Vanda Tricolor
About Orchid
ORCHID including long-lasting cut flowers. These plants are the largest group of flowering plants in the world, consists of 800 genera and more than 50,000 species of wild orchids are found all over the world. Nature referred to as the orchids orchid species from tropical and subtropical regions. About 5,000 species found in Indonesia. Some commercially valuable species of orchids that consists of Denbrobium, Phalaenopsis, Arachnis, Cymbidium, Cattleya, Paphiopedilium, and Vanda. Indonesia has the potential of orchids is large enough. Therefore, commercial orchids that grow in this country. Phalaenopsis orchids and Paphiopedilium was covering approximately 55% of the total species of orchids in the world. Orchid is a wild plant that grows naturally in the forest. When there is a lot of logging and the impact on deforestation, conservation of flora and fauna, including orchids, will be threatened. Related to the destruction of forests, about 820 species of orchids native to Indonesia that grew in the forest of Sumatra now live about 400's. Very concerned if the threat to Indonesian forest orchids potential is allowed to continue.

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