The process of reproduction outside a plant's normal habitat is often inhibited enough to prevent spreading. Once established in their adopted territory a rare plant may prove hardy to grow in that territory. The most important aspect of growing plants outside their territory is to know what particular needs the plant might crave in the new location, to provide those for it.For instance plants that manufacture their food from water and air, have become adapted to utilise varying degrees of light, plants which normally grow in full sun may not be able to survive in much less than the maximum sun exposure.Other plants which to protect themselves from their harsh environment grow partly hidden beneath the ground, such as lithops actually have translucent windows in their visible parts, the leaf tips, which allow light to penetrate their internal chlorophyll-bearing cells.Exotic plants can't be expected to behave typically under rare conditions, the local competition for light, water and soil may prove severe for them to bypass successfully. The nature of the local competition which awaits an exotic plant is a powerful factor in determining the success or failure of the introduction of the rare plant into the new location.For the adaptation that an exotic plant needs to a new location, time is needed and only when is given generations to complete adaptation, a plant may finally adapt to a new habitat. Plants will develop, with time a wide variety of life styles which will enable them to fit into a new community.Some of the most attractive rare plants are; Mimosa sensitive plant, it is a tropical plant, they need greenhouse protection during winter time. It can be propagated by cuttings taken at any time of the year, but is usually grown from seed, the fascinating attribute to this plant is it's ability to close it's leaves when touched by a hand or by the air.