Additions 2009

Diposting oleh Blogs Senin, 26 Desember 2011



Additions 2009

Chopsticks (hashi, ohashi, o-hashi お箸) waribashi

somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier

kattobashi カットバシ / カット箸 / かっとばし
chopsticks made from broken baseball clubs

Chopping board (manaita まな板 / 俎板)

mimiudon, mimi-udon 耳うどん "Udon noodles like ears" Sano town, Tochigi

iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし shredded dried sardines
from Kanbara, Shizuoka

Presents during all seasons

Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) bean-jam pancake

Sukiyaki (鋤焼 / すき焼き meat hot pot "Japanese steamboat"

yudeboshi daikon ゆで干し大根 cooked, dried radish stripes from Nagasaki prefecture

shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new types of vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST

dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 traditional vegetables
heritage vegetables. a LIST

Restaurants and Menues

Tsukimi dango 月見団子 Dumplings for Moon Viewing and other kinds of DANGO

gyoojana 行者菜 Gyojana, "green chives for mountain ascetics" Yamagata

Milk and milk products LIST
Butter, Cheese, Sweets, Yoghurt
Pudding (purin プリン)
Ice cream (aisu アイス) Eiscreme
Chocolate チョコレート chocoreeto

Sho-Chiku-Bai shoochikubai 松竹梅  and the Menu ranking Pine Bamboo Plum

piiman ピーマン green sweet pepper, pimiento, pimento bell pepper. Paprika

okura オクラ Okra Abelmoschus esculentus. Gombofrucht

Aloe vera (aroe アロエベラ)

aisukuriimu アイスクリーム ice cream aisu: soft cream, ice candy, soft ice. Speiseeis, Eis

Cha 茶 O-Cha. tea, chai Tee

Imodango 芋だんごdumplings with sweet potatoes as base

Kagoshima local dishes

Naniwa yasai なにわ野菜 local vegetables from Naniwa (Osaka area) 浪花野菜

Suita kuwai 吹田くわい arrowhead from Suita town, Osaka

chanpuru チャンプル Champuru "mixed ingredients" and other dishes from Okinawa

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled salty plums

Nara Prefecture 奈良県
Asukanabe 飛鳥鍋 hodgepodge from Asuka, with milk
so 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of old、Asuka no So 飛鳥の蘇
Miwa soomen 三輪そうめん somen from Miwa
kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea

Karashi 芥子 mustard, the plant and the condiment

Himiko, Yamataikoku and Yoshinogari 卑弥呼 / 邪馬台国 / 吉野ヶ里 in Saga, Kyushu
Himiko senbei 卑弥呼せんべい
Himiko manju 卑弥呼饅頭
Yamataikoku manjuu 邪馬台国饅頭
noodles the old style 吉野ヶ里古代麺
Sablee from Yoshinogari 吉野ヶ里 サブレー and more

Saga prefecture 佐賀県 Local specialities

Watarikaki 渡利牡蠣(わたりかき)Oysters from Mie prefecture

Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures

Sesame street セサミストリート cookies and lunchboxes

Akagai 赤貝 "red clam", arc clam
Edo wazurai 江戸患い "the Illness of Edo", and Kagurazaka 神楽坂

Bernd Siefert ベアンド ・ ジーフェルトPatisserie, Von Michelstadt nach Japan

Yufuin Hot Spring 湯布院 Specialities Oita, Kyushu.

Ariakekai 有明海 Ariake Sea Kyushu. Ariake Dishes 有明料理

Daikotaki 大根焚きDaikotaki Cooking Radishes for Saint Nichiren
and Yuzumeshi, yuzu gohan ゆず御飯

Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi from Okayama

Shusseuo, shusse uo 出世魚 "career fish"

Kyoto obanzai 京のおばんざい home-cooking from Kyoto (omawari おまわり, お雑用 ozayoo). obansai

Maguro 鮪 (まぐろ) tuna, tunafish, Thunfisch

Matsuura zuke, Matsuurazuke 松浦漬け whale pickles from Matsuura

Kintaro 金太郎 .. a sardine and a candy

mozuku もずく(水雲/海蘊) seaweed, Nemacystis decipiens

mokuzugani 藻屑蟹 / モクズガニ Japanese mitten crab

Food safety in Japan

Kabocha 南瓜 (かぼちゃ) pumpkin, squash

Unzen yusenpei ゆせんぺい senbei from hot sprint water Nagasaki, Mount Unzen

Gion doofu 祇園豆腐 Gion Tofu From Niken Chaya 二軒茶屋, Kyoto

Kanda Daruma 神田のたい焼き屋 達磨 with Daruma Taiyaki waffles in the form of a sea bream and Fudo yaki 不動焼き from the temple Sayama Fudoji 狭山不動寺.

Hatoyama apples 鳩山 リンゴ
政権交代紅白まんじゅう seiken kootai koohaku manjuu

yakiboshi 焼き干し "grilled and dried" small sardines

Hyogo Prefecture Dishes

horumon udon ホルモンうどん udon noodles with innards Tsuyama town, Okayama

Saitama Prefecture Dishes

Tochigi Santaka 栃木三鷹
"three hawk talons" from Tochigi
chilli peppers

kachidokimeshi (かちどき飯)"rice to win the battle" in memory of Uesugi Kenshin

unagi manjuu うなぎ饅頭 bun with eel filling Mishima, Shizuoka.

Kurashiki specialities, Okayama prefecture Kurashiki Sushi.

shagiri manjuu しゃぎり饅頭 buns in the form of cart wheels Murakami, Niigata

Yokai nabe 妖怪鍋 Monster Soup and other monster dishes

Kiru 切る cutting food

Komaijiru 氷下魚汁(こまいじる)soup with saffron cod
hoshi komai 乾氷下魚(ほしこまい)dried saffron cod

niken chaya mochi 二軒茶屋餅(にけんちゃやもち) from Ise, Kakuya 角屋

Izushi 飯寿司 and hatahata ハタハタ dishes from Akita shottsuru しょっつる【塩汁】

Buri 鰤 (ぶり) yellowtail, Gelbschwanz Seriola quinqueradiata

mashumaro マシュマロ marshmallow and Guimauve, gimoobu ギモーブ.

Chinowagayu, chinowa-gayu 茅の輪粥 rice porridge
chi no wa kayu, served on the last day of the sixth month.

Yahataimo, Yahata-imo やはたいも taro from Yahata Yamanashi prefecture

Mamori, omamori, o-mamori お守り Talismans, amuletts and food

Akagai and Matsuo Basho at the Temple Kanman-Ji, Kisakata

Japanese Table Manner 和食作法 Ishimura Kanae 石邨可奈江, Okayama Grace Finishing School グレースフィニッシングスクール. Table manners

bubuzuke ぶぶづけ/ ぶぶ漬け ochazuke from Kyoto お茶漬け and furikake 振り掛け

Kanpyoo 干瓢calabash . Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida. Kampyo, Kanpyo.

Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Kyuusu teapot 急須 (kyusu) for green tea

Kokubun-ji Daifuku 国分寺大福 Kokubunji-Dumpling From Temple Kokubun-Ji, Shizuoka

mentaiko 明太子 marinated roe of pollock and
Banana Fair in Mojiko Retro 門司港レトロ / バナナフェア. Fukuoka dishes. Yanagibashi Coop Market 柳橋市場

ikijime (活き締め) ikejime (いけじめ / 活けじめ) fast killing of a fish

Akita, Ugo Town and pretty girl sketches advertisements 秋田県羽後町 Aoi Nishimata 西又葵, rice Akita Komachi あきたこまち

Polititians and Food
Hatoyama Yukio Bisquits 鳩山民衆サブレー / 鳩山サブレー Hatoyama Sabure 鳩山由紀夫
Aso Taro 麻生太郎、Fujikawa Yuri 藤川ゆり, Ozawa Ichiro 小沢一郎 : Manju
Obama Manju

McDonald’s “Nippon All-Stars” series and Mr. James Mr.ジェームスの食べある記. 日本マクドナルド

Hooroku 焙烙 / 炮烙 / ホーロク / ほうろくearhten roasting pot and Hooroku Jizo ほうろく地蔵 and a kyogen play, 炮烙割り "smashing pots"

yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし)boiled water chestnuts hishi . water chestnut and related kigo

Shabushabu しゃぶしゃぶ, sukiyaki 鋤焼 (すきやき) and other beef dishes wagyuu, wagyu 和牛 Japanese beef

Japanisches Essen im Laufe der Geschichte
Ein historischer Abriss

Dishes from Tochigo Prefecture 栃木県
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
suiton すいとん(法度汁)dumpling soup
yuba ryoori 湯波料理 dishes with yuba soymilk skin and many mroe

ninjin shirishiri 人参しりしり chopped carrots from Okinawa

Sweets from Western Japan

arare ochazuke あられお茶漬 arare senbei with green tea from Mie prefecture 三重県

Sake no Hosomichi 酒のほそ道 "The Narrow Road of Ricewine"
Manga about food, with haiku, by ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki, Roswell Hosoki

Shibazuke しば漬け / 柴漬け Perilla pickles with eggplant Kyoto. and more tsukemono pickles.

menjitsuyu 綿実油 cotton seed oil

Kurofune monaka 黒船最中 Black Ship wafers

Cup Noodles with Gundam ガンダム カップヌードル GUNPLA CUP NOODLES

Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread

Monaka 最中  もなかwafers, waffles
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers

Shiro 城 Castle Burgen. and related food items

Bunraku and Joruri 文楽.浄瑠璃 and wasabi

kenkoo shokuhin 健康食品 health food

Orio Kashiwameshi 折尾駅  かしわめし Kitakyushu

Danshi Gohan 男子ごはん, 太一×ケンタロウ men are cooking !
. . . bentoo danshi 弁当男子 lunchbox men

mizunasu, mizu nasu 水なす "water-eggplant" from Southern Osaka

karee カレー curry and many curry dishes

tenpura てんぷら . 天婦羅 . 天麩羅 . 天ぷら Tenpura, Tempura


YASAI . Vegetable Saijiki

Train station lunch boxes ... ABC

Addidions in 2008


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