Additions 2010

Diposting oleh Blogs Senin, 26 Desember 2011


Additions 2010

shufu 主婦 / 主夫 ... housewife, homemaker Hausfrau

kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari

otogomochi otogo mochi 乙子餅
"mochi for the youngest child"

Recycled vegetables (Okaeri Yasai)

hiuchi yaki 火打焼 a kind of mochi
from shrine Kasuga Taisha . gyuuhi mochi 求肥餅

Sea bass (suzuki 鱸(すずき)) Lateolabrax japonicus

Worlds of Flavor : Japan: Flavors of Culture. CIA

Shiratama 白玉 (しらたま) Shiratama Dango dumplings

raayu ラー油 chili pepper oil Rayu 辣油 or La Yu 辣椒油

Slow food, eco food スローフード !

Matsuyama Sushi and Masaoka Shiki Matsuyama sushi 松山鮓

Ajinomoto 味の素 and MSG, Umami flavor

Kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ / 胡瓜封じ cucumber service

Bettarazuke (べったら漬) "sticky pickles" from Tokyo

hasumeshi 蓮飯 lotus with rice and other lotus rood (renkon 蓮根) dishes

Hatago (旅籠, 旅篭) lodgings, inns and guesthouses

Shiga Prefecture - Regional Dishes

nanuka no on sechiku 七日の御節供 Official easonal feast on the
seventh day of the seventh lunar month

Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成, a famous samurai
candy and senbei in his honor

Music and Food for animals and plant growing

Fukuro no atsumono 梟の羹 (ふくろうのあつもの)
"hot soup with owl meat"

Gopan Bread Maker (ゴパン) Rice Bread Cooker ライスブレッドクッカー

Ichiyoo senbei 一葉煎餅(いちようせんべい)
Senbei in honor of Ichiyo
Writer Higuchi Ichiyo

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 and Food

Tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 hammerspawn

Hatoyama apples and bisquits Farewell, Hatoyama 鳩山由紀夫 !

daikonsoba 大根そば buckwheat noodles with shredded radish

Gyaru ギャル gals, girls
noogyaru 農ギャル / ノギャル  nogyaru, farming girls
ugyaru 魚ギャル / ウギャル fishing girls

bengara karee ベンガラカレー Bengara Curry from Fukiya Village, Okayama

Suizenji-nori 水前寺のり

fruutsu wain フルーツワイン Fruit Wine

Wasabi Distro ワサビディストロ zines/fanzines / ミニコミ誌

mitsuimo, mitsu imo 蜜芋 "honey sweet potato"
Tanegashima Annoo Imo 種子島あんのう芋 / 安納芋

kajoogashi 嘉定菓子(かじょうがし)Kajo-cakes

Sex and Food / Penis Festivals


Karakki からっキー a mascot for red hot food

Sooshoku otoko 草食男子 grass-eaters and
nikushoku onna 肉食女 "meat-eating girls" / 草食系男子

Containers for food, new materials P-Plus P-プラス

Bii Kyuu Gurume B級グルメ   Grade B Gourmet, Okayama prefecture

abare-ichi あばれ市 "Wild market sales"

Pareo foodo パレオフード paleo food, Paleo diet Paleolithic Diet

Bisuketto, kukkii ビスケット, kukkii クッキー Bisquits and Cookies

Ryugu no tsukai 竜宮の使い slender Oarfish "sea serpent, Genus Regalecus

doggii baggu ドッギーバッグ  doggy bag


kako no jabujabu 水夫のじゃぶじゃぶ sailor's jabu-jabu Ushimado, Okayama

Agri-fashion アグリファッション Agrifashion
Agrizm(アグリズム) Magazine

Motenashi, shitsurai 持成しの心 / 失礼
entertaining guests and table manners

Kansai Sanuki Udon Pigrimage ralley
関西讃岐うどん 西国三十三ヶ所巡礼

ankoo 鮟鱇 (あんこう) anglerfish Lophiomus setigerus

Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人
Gookaku Karee 合格 to pass the examination

Midorimushi みどりむし Euglena and food preparations
yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena


. DANGO as kigo for all seasons

. Manjuu まんじゅう (饅頭) steamed buns of all kinds

. Mochi もち (餅) ricecakes, rice cake of all kinds

Panda and Food パンダまん / ぱんだパン

Tachibana 橘 and other citrus fruit kankitsurui かんきつるい (柑橘類)

New Year decorations with food items

Mayudama 繭玉 (まゆだま) "cocoon balls"
Mochi or dango for the New Year celebrations of the Silk protecting deities

Tsuribaka nisshi raamen 釣りバカ日誌ラーメン "Fishing addicts diary" Ramen noodle soup
from エースコック Acecook Co.

Udon うどん
noodles from all over Japan

kanji bisuketto 漢字ビスケット Kanji bisquits, Kanji cookies from Burbon ブルボン

ori 澱 (おり) dregs, sediment when making soy sauce

Shashin keeki 写真ケーキ Edible Photo Cake

kiganmai 祈願米 "consecrated rice"

ishidoofu 石豆腐 "stone tofu"  
from the Iya valley, Tokushima. 祖谷豆腐 Iya Tofu and Iya Zooni soup

Shirumori Jinja 汁守神社 Shrine Shirumori, the protector of soups
Ukemochi no Mikoto 保食命. and
Meshimori jinja 飯守神社 Protector shrine of cooked rice

Sakamoto Ryoma 坂本竜馬 龍馬伝 the hero of Tosa at NHK

Tokoroten 心太, 心天 (ところてん) jelly strips, gelidium jelly

Ebisu sama 恵比寿様 God of the Fishermen


December 2009

Shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso soup with corbicula clams

somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier

mimiudon, mimi-udon 耳うどん "Udon noodles like ears" Sano town, Tochigi

iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし shredded dried sardines
from Kanbara, Shizuoka

Presents during all seasons

Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) bean-jam pancake

Sukiyaki (鋤焼 / すき焼き meat hot pot "Japanese steamboat"

yudeboshi daikon ゆで干し大根 cooked, dried radish stripes from Nagasaki prefecture

shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new types of vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST

dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 traditional vegetables
heritage vegetables. a LIST

Restaurants and Menues

Tsukimi dango 月見団子 Dumplings for Moon Viewing and other kinds of DANGO

gyoojana 行者菜 Gyojana, "green chives for mountain ascetics" Yamagata

Milk and milk products LIST
Butter, Cheese, Sweets, Yoghurt
Pudding (purin プリン)
Ice cream (aisu アイス) Eiscreme
Chocolate チョコレート chocoreeto

. . . BUZZWORDS buzzwords


Addidions in 2009

Addidions in 2008


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